Codes and conventions of the documentary genre
- Single strand
- Cut is the most common edit so it does not distract what is on screen
- Editing should really be invisible unless its used for a purpose
- Editing techniques maybe used on actuality footage and archive material
- Visuals used over interviews
- Well paced interviews no longer that 1 or 2 minutes
- Holds the narrative together (the glue that holds the documentary together)
- Gender is sometimes relevant depending on topic
- Relevant age to the topic in some way
- Standard English usually calm and clear delivery
- Creative and varied camerawork
- Conventional framing on interviews
- Camera usually static on a tripod
- Make sure interviewee is sat on static chair so it cant move
- Interviewee positioned to the left or right of frame - if more than one it alternates
- Filmed in medium shot, medium close up and close up
- Questions are edited out
- Mise en scene- background reinforces the content of the interview or is relevant to the interviewee, providing more information about them in terms of occupation or personal environment.
- Graphics are used to anchor who the person is on screen and the relevance to the topic of documentary-sub line
- The interviewee looks at the interviewer, not directly at the camera
- Positioning of the interviewer is therefore important. If the interviewee is on the right of the frame, the interviewer is on the left of the camera.
- The interviewer should sit or stand as close to the camera as possible
- Framing follows the rule of thirds-eye line roughly a third of the way down the screen.
- They're never filmed with a light source behind the interviewee i.e. in front of the window or the sun behind them
- Cutaways are edited into the videos for two reasons- break up interviews and illustrate what they're talking about- to avoid jump cuts, when questions are edited out.
- Cutaways are either :archive material suggested by something said in interview and therefore filmed after the interview
- Sometimes aspects of the interview are filmed with another camera e.g. extra close-ups of eyes, mouth and hands and used as cut aways
Archive Material:
- Use camera movement when filming still archive material e.g. zoom, pan
- Use a variety of relevant material to the documentary
- If Chromokey is used it should'nt detract from a interview
- Relevant music, correct sound levels so it does'nt interfere with visuals or voiceovers
- Music bed in which visuals lie on
- Graphics used to anchor who the person is and their relevance
- Can anchor a period of time and cant be obtrusive
- Simple details usually 2 lines
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