Friday, 10 December 2010

Print advert: Editing

At this stage the picture had been imported to adobe photoshop and a shap placed on one of the tablets

This shows a close up of the tablets with faces on. These were created by using the shape tools with effects applied to them.

This image shows text being imported and wrapped to the shape of the tablet.

The above picture demonstrates how we used effects such as bevel, emboss and shadow to make the shapes and writing appear to be on the tablets. This is to make it look more professional

At this stage we opened a picture of the channel four logo and used the magic want to cut it out and place it on the advert.
This is halfway through the production of the print advert.

The image above shows the label of the bottle being manipulated with the shape tool. This is to make it look like it fits around the bottle and to make it look more realistic. The title and scheduling has also been added with the text tool and a orange rectangle as the background.

This is the completed version of the print advert. Including the slogan.

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