Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Evaluation of phone interview

My interview had both good points and areas to improve. The cutaways which we filmed and then edited were relevant to the subject and were creative. We also tried to create a strong mise en scene by using a drawn mobile phone for the background of the interview.

To improve this interview I would need to edit the audio levels as the answers could not always be heard over the music, I would also consider using an instrumental piece of music so it did not interfere with the speech in the interview.

The positioning of the frame would also need adjusting so that there was not as much head room on the interviewee. I would also need to address how the interviewee answers questions in a way so that they make sense to the audience as when the questions had been edited out the answers did not make sense.

Overall for a first attempt my interview was an encouraging start and I will use the areas to improve in my next production.

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